The Ultimate TV/Movie Guide for the Dawson Procrastinator


Holiday Tv Specials

Holiday specials - Heralding of the most wonderful time of the year.

The Top 4

  1. The Office, “CHRISTMAS PARTY,” (Season 2, Episode 10)
  2. Dunder Mifflin Paper Company is throwing a Christmas Party, and there is a Secret Santa. Jim gets Pam a special tea pot, Michael gets an IPod for Ryan, which far exceeds the $20 limit imposed for the gifts. When Michael receives a hand made oven glove from Phyllis, he suggests a Yankee Swap, which means that no one gets what they hoped for. Typical Christmas. This is the perfect quick watch- funny (and we do need to laugh), and slightly cringe worthy.

  3. Friends, “THE ONE WITH THE HOLIDAY ARMADILLO” (Season 7, Episode 10)
  4. Still the best show to have playing on the background as we despair over our 5000 words essay which is still only 100 words long. Ross cannot find a Santa costume at the rental store, so he decides to get an Armadillo costume and to take the opportunity to teach his son Ben about Hanukkah. Chandler shows up in head to toe Santa gear, and Joey with a superman costume, the more to confuse Ben- ‘cause that’s what friends do.

  5. The O.C, “THE BEST CHRISMUKKAH EVER ” (Season 1, Episode 13
  6. The title says it all. The best Chrismukka ever. It’s a great sales pitch for the mash-up of holidays, a blueprint for all those who do not know where they belong and who learn to make up their own world in which to be festive in. It includes a fantastic Christmas montage for Ryan and Marissa. It might just be the thing to force us back to our books, so we can get to the holidays a little quicker.

  7. Seinfeld, “THE PICK” (Season 4, Episode 13)
  8. Lots happen in a show about nothing. George despairs of having lost his girlfriend, manages to get her back only to regret it when he succeeds. Elaine decides to send Christmas cards, featuring herself. She accidentally picks the one where she is showing too much cleavage. Jerry dates a model who dumps him when she catches him maybe picking his nose (was he or wasn’t he)? Watch this episode for Jerry’s impassioned plea for all the nose-pickers in the world. “If we pick, do we not bleed?” The Shakespearean reference will make us feel pleasantly intellectual.